I think this website has by far the most important back catalogue of picking apart JW teachings and the Bible with Conversations of many very intelligent people For example, Leoleia, but there are many others as well.
when I left JW land around six years ago, I spent tens of hours reading through the back catalogue of the different conversations on this forum, but I also watched many of the Lloyd Evans videos, it was the most distressing period of my life by such a long way I no longer wanted to be alive, however, I have three young children so I had to power through these feelings and come to my own conclusions that I was right to leave and help my children escape while leaving behind all my friends and the rest of my family
My gratitude to these types of forums, this one, Lloyd Evans, JW facts , the books by Raymond Franz
Lloyd Evans, personal life seems to be a total shambolic joke, but that doesn’t take away the value of his website and videos to people who have newly left JW, it is invaluable, and although some of his videos can be quite long, it is exactly what people who are beginning to wake up, need to give them the confidence to leave.
I’m only saying this because I think it would be such a shame if someone came across this website in the emotional distress situation they would find themselves whilst newly waking up and start reading through 800 pages of negativity on Lloyd Evans, however, deserved an accurate it is,
I don’t see anywhere else that has the back catalogue of videos as helpful as his to a newly woken up person.
I don’t see a website with a catalogue as good as this website for a person who needs something a bit deeper.
I suppose I’m just saying, I think it would be a shame for someone on the emotional edge to miss out on such available information, please don’t think I’m trying to have a go at anyone about anything, everyone is entitled to their opinion, this is mine, so I thought I would share it, hope that’s okay